Friday, February 8, 2013

Melissa Young, A Fierce Negotiator

When I think of negotiation and deal making, I tend to focus on large corporations battling over consumer interests or political parties trying to come to an agreement about what is best for the American people.  Yet, negotiations are taking place on every level, whether it is a mother trying to negotiate a sugar limit for her toddler or a singer negotiating her royalties on her next album. 
Melissa Young earned her Masters Degree from New York University (NYU) in Film Directing.  She is also an accomplished singer whose songs have appeared on the Billboard’s top 100 lists.  Melissa Young now spends much of her time developing new artists as well as directing different genres of films.

Melissa Young is no stranger to negotiating deals whether they’re for the sales of her own neo soul album or managing some of the hottest up and coming talent.  I had the privilege of interviewing Ms. Young about her tactics and the methods she uses to negotiate deals with her clients.  Considering most of her clients are between the ages of 13 and 22, Melissa admits to being very careful when negotiating deals concerning the children of very concerned parents.

I asked Melissa in our interview what are some of the things you do to prepare for a negotiation?  “I decide what I’m going to present and give a good understanding of the artist I’m bringing in and what they can do.”  Melissa stated she wants the interested party to have a thorough understanding of what this artist is bringing to the table.  I am fully prepared with what I’m going to pitch and how I’m going to pitch it.”

My next question to Melissa was, “Do you have a BATNA or best alternative to a negotiated agreement?  Ms. Young stated boldly and without hesitation, “yes, I never start where I want to be, I start way above where I want to be.  In other words, if I’m asking for $100,000.00 I will start my negotiation at $200,000.00.  I will ask for much more than I need and my back is ending up where I wanted to be.”   

Have you ever been part of a negotiation where you or the other negotiator resorted to dirty tricks in order to reach an agreement? “Yes, the other party used dirty tricks over the distribution deal for my album.  The agreement we came to had changed once it had reached my lawyers office and I guess they didn’t think we would catch it.”  Melissa Young and her colleagues ended up walking away from this deal.

How do you separate the people from the problem during a negotiation?  “You have to take emotion out of the deal and that can be difficult.  Try to find a middle ground that both parties can agree too.  I will give up one thing and have them give up one thing.  Take out emotions and deal strictly with the business aspect of the deal, which is the most important part.

After interviewing the lovely and soulful Melissa Young, there was one thing that was extremely apparent to me.  She has a very mild mannered and classy style but she knows whom she is and where she’s going.  Please don’t mistake the sweetness for weakness.  It was a pleasure interviewing her and I hope to learn a great deal more from watching her do business.