Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Invisible "Talent"

The Invisible Talent
By Dawn E Wade

I have been creating stories for as long as I remember.  I would take the time to imagine new worlds and develop characters to live within those realms.  I would even take the time to give my characters specific names that matched their personalities.  As a writer, there are some characters that I relate to more than others.  This is my recipe for a great story.  Writing is an art, an intellectual journey into the depths of creativity, that can sometimes cause others to be uncomfortable or maybe even offended.  Yet, this is my gift and I wouldn't trade it for anything.  So, why is it that writers aren't the superstars that their character counterparts seem to be.  It's because we are the invisible talent.  Most people have no idea who the creative talent behind some of their favorite shows are.  Now, this is not limited to television and feature film writers, but songwriters as well.  When it comes down to it, writers really do not get the respect they deserve.  After all, it takes patience, drive and focus to create literary works that people want to see and hear.  Yet, it is still not respected in a way it should be.  We've come a long way but we still have a long way to go.  I say this because when the "The Writer's Strike" took place in 2007-2008, it seems to have done more damage than good.

Since the writer's strike, there has been an explosion of reality television.  Now this is not to look down on reality television, but it's to bring awareness to the difficult time writer's have getting respect, credit and jobs.  To every rule, there is an exception.  In the last few years a number of great, "scripted" television shows have taken over major networks.  Grey's Anatomy and Scandal are two of my favorite shows written by my favorite writer Shonda Rhimes.  Shonda Rhimes is the reason I believe there is still hope for the most important and creative behind the scenes talent, "The Writers." The next time you're enjoying a great movie, song or television drama, just remember, it's the unseen talent that makes it such an enjoyable experience.

What does this mean for the upcoming writer dreaming about a career in television, film or music.  It means continue to do what you do best, write!  A good writer knows how to tell a story, but a great writer knows how to live and relate a great story.  Everyday that I live, I am given the opportunity to create magic.  My characters are around me everyday, and my inspiration surrounds me continuously.  In the King James Version of the Bible, there is a scripture that states, "A man's gift will make room for him, and bringeth him before great men." (Proverbs 18:16)  In other words, when the time is right, your opportunity will present itself to you, and your only job is to be ready when it happens.  This is the philosophy I live by.  I am patiently waiting and constantly preparing for my success, and you should be too!

Filed under:  respectWriters, and Shonda.

1 comment:

  1. Dawn- next time I watch television or go out to see a movie I'll consider the unseen talent that created the subject material. I always research artists when I listen to music but never considered the writers for my favorite films or t.v. shows. I think great writers must have a very unique point of view and extensive vocabulary. You guys tell stories, provide vivid imagery and give each character an interesting yet relatable personality. I would for you to post samples of your work so that I can get a feel for the kind of stories you write!
