Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Marketing Phrases, How Important Are They?

When you hear phrases like, “March Madness,” or “Win or Go Home,” most people know exactly what you’re referring to. This media technique is not only used for sporting events but in product marketing as well. When you hear things like, “where’s the beef,” you automatically think, Wendy’s restaurant! You “think” Wendy’s restaurant but does it actually make you want to go out and have Wendy’s? How important is phrase marketing to corporations or events involving corporations? I would say it is very important. Simply because you may not run out and buy the item at this moment but every time you hear a certain phrase, these companies know you’re thinking about them. Slogans have the ability to incite many emotions in the life of the consumer. Whether it’s fear, humor or love, they all have the same objectives and goals. The slogan calls your attention, hopefully all of your attention, to one company or organization. For example, the phrase, “click it or ticket,” is designed to invoke fear of being killed if you do not wear your seatbelt or at the very least, a pretty expensive ticket. Whereas the slogan, “stay thirsty my friends,” invokes a fantasy of being part of an elite group who live life by their own terms.

Slogans and marketing phrases have limitless possibilities if they capture the essence of the event or organization. In other words, a marketing specialist should consider the company’s goals, the nature of the event, and the audience they are trying to attract. In marketing to older generations it may be wise to use a phrase that represents some type of nostalgia for them. On the other hand, if your audience were mostly teenagers it would be wise to consider more tech savvy phrases. One great example is the phrase Apple used when introducing its IPod. "A thousand songs in your pocket," wasn’t just a catch phrase but a literal statement that caught the attention of millions of consumers. Another example is the phrase "grown folks music." Every time my mother hears this phrase she knows this is music she can listen to, and according to her, “actually understand what they’re saying!”

Slogans, catch phrases and cliché’ quotes; whatever marketing technique and strategy works for your organization will be an investment worth perfecting. The ability to reside in the minds of your consumers every time they hear your phrase is one of the most important and profitable aspects to marketing your brand. Trust me, “Just Do It.” I bet you didn’t think of your business when I wrote that, you thought about Nike, if only for a moment. 

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