Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Are you living "your" best life?

What is the true meaning of happiness?  Experts have been trying to find the answer to this question for centuries.  Honestly, in my opinion, there is no wrong answer.  The things that make us happy as individuals, are as different as the fingerprints we possess.  As a society, sometimes there's a tendency be judgmental toward individuals who are completely happy with the simplest of pleasures.  Not to mention, the individuals who are criticised because they want the very best for themselves, no matter the cost.  So, who's right?  Also, how can you recognize when you're living the life you've never dreamed of, nor wanted.

Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky, a guest on the Dr. Oz show, has a happiness quiz that will measure your happiness in a matter of minutes, but what else can you do?  After existing in life, for literally years, I became brutally honest with myself about what I wanted.  Would you believe, for a moment, I was actually ashamed because it looked as if I wanted very little for myself.  What I eventually came to realize is that "little," was sufficient for me.  I didn't need to be CEO of the universe.  It wasn't fulfilling for me to have the newest gadget from year to year, and you know what, I'm happy.  It took years for me to get this place.  It's a place of peace and tranquility from the inside out.  I wonder how many people are waking up each morning, dreading the day ahead.  How many "CEO's" of the universe, would much rather be the owner of a small bed and breakfast in Omaha, Nebraska?  Beginning today, take inventory of what truly makes you happy.  This may sound easy, but it's far from it!

Some of us have spent so many years being who we thought we should be, that we have absolutely no idea who we truly are or what makes us truly happy.  For example, I go on a cruise every year to whatever destination I'm in the mood for.  It wasn't until this past Septemeber that I realized, I hate going on cruises!  I love the destinations, but the cruising is not something I care for.  I've continued to do it this long because of the "convenience" of getting to my chosen destinations.  What conveniences are you choosing, that is inadvertently making you unhappy?  It's taken five summers for me to realize I dislike cruising and it's the same thing when realizing what makes you happy.  It may take a few years for you to realize something you're doing isn't truly making you happy, but it's providing something that does.  Trust me, it's tricky trying to find out who you are and what you want, but it's well worth the effort.

Now that you've identified the areas that are making you unhappy, what, if anything, can you do to change it.  I only have the answer to that question for myself.  My strategy was changing little things, like learning to say no to things and people without feeling guilty.  Also, forcing myself, to take time out, for myself.  As I accomplished these small feats, I began to pay attention to larger issues and get to the root of my unhappiness.  This is an ongoing process, but my happiness is worth it, and so is yours! 

The worst thing in the world to me is growing old and looking back over my life with regrets.  I want my latter years to be filled with so many precious memories that it will be virtually impossible to wipe the grin from my face.  This is my goal, my destiny and my legacy.  What's yours?

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